How to determine your skin type?

How to determine your skin type?

Understanding your skin type is one of the most important elements when it comes to getting your skin into good condition. We don't buy shoes without knowing our foot size because we would waste money, have a wrong fit & hurt our feet. Its the same thing when buying products for your skin. The skin type you have is the one you are born with & it does not tend to change or vary too much over the years. Different internal & external factors can have an affect on your skin such as hormones, thyroid, pregnancy, medication including the pill and these can cause skin conditions to flare up. As can weather changes, heating changes and using the wrong products for your skin type. Take out a piece of paper & lets figure out your base skin type.

Oily vs Dry

Your skin type is your base starting point.

Are you oily? Do you get spots at any time of the month? Did you have oily or breakout skin when you were younger? Do you get black heads in or around your nose & does your make slide off your face half way through the day? If you have answered yes to any of the above you have an underlying oily base skin type. If you answered no to any of the above your skin type is predominantly dry.

Approx 7/10 clients that come in for a consultation will not think they have an oily skin type it is only when you answer yes to the above that people then come around to the realisation that they have oily skin.
You can have oily skin and suffer with a dehydrated skin condition, with sensitivity, with pigmentation but your base starting point is to start with the skin type then work within that skin type to address and help the skin conditions that you have an issue with.

Do you suffer with dry flaky patches?

Tightness, fine lines, redness - these are all skin conditions. If trying to determine if a product is right for you once you know your base skin type you can then pick & choose what ingredients meet your needs.
A prescriptive skin consult is the best way to understand what products you should use when but in the absence of face to face consults you can use some simple steps to get your skin care routine on track.
Choose your cleanser and moisturiser around your skin type (oily or dry) your serum or active product around your skin conditions while considering your skin type and what results you want to achieve.

Best Ingredients for Oily Skin;

Look for non oily Non comedogenic Water Based serums (Aqua) Oil Free Salicylic Acid Hyaluronic Acid Vitamin A Mineral Make up
Ingredients to avoid or use little of; Shea ButterOil Based Serums or Cleansers Monitor your make up to make sure its not causing breakouts
Top Tips:Clean your brushes regularly Don't touch your face throughout the day

Best Ingredients for Dry Skin;

Oils Shea Butter, Hyaluronic Acid Vitamin A, Glycolic Acid, Lactic Acid. Ingredients to avoid or use little of; Anything that is matt or non oily

Example Basic Skin Routine for Oily Skin;


Example Basic Skin Routine for Dry Skin; AM